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A Semenanjung Boy’s Journey: Exploring the Heart of Sarawak
The Habitat Foundation’s Conservation and Sustainability Team Lead, Ethan Pang rediscovers Sarawak’s cultural and natural heritage and uncovers conservation challenges faced by the locals. Longhouse in Long Lellang just across from the airport runway. Photo by Ethan Pang. A Tiny Plane Adventure Growing up in Peninsular Malaysia, I only …

Latest Curated Journey

A Semenanjung Boy’s Journey: Exploring the Heart of Sarawak

The Habitat Foundation’s Conservation and Sustainability Team Lead, Ethan Pang rediscovers Sarawak’s cultural and natural heritage and uncovers conservation challenges faced by the locals. Longhouse in Long Lellang just across from the airport runway. Photo by Ethan Pang. A Tiny Plane Adventure Growing up in Peninsular Malaysia, I only had

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Discover Janda Baik: A Curated Adventure

Recently The Habitat Foundation paid a visit to one of our grantees, the Ulu Tampik Junior Rangers programme. It was my first visit to Janda Baik despite having lived in Malaysia for 10 years, and I was stunned to find such a special kampung less than an hour from the

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